Our week in Reception


We have had another great week in Reception.


In Maths we have completed our White Rose Maths ‘Growing 6, 7, 8’ by consolidating some of our previous learning. We have relooked at pairs; we talked about spiders and how many pairs of legs they have. The children made themselves into a spider with 8 legs and then found out how many pairs of legs they have. We have also relooked at combining two groups of items and talked about part-whole and number sentences. We continued both of theses aspects in our Maths LEX time:



In Literacy we started our topic based on the story ‘The Pirates are Coming’ by John Condon. Mrs Owen found a treasure map of our outside area which also had a clue on it. The children read the clue and then followed more clues until it took us to our treasure chest. Following this the children were convinced that they heard and saw pirates by the door, on the roof and outside by the window. 

Thank you to everyone who brought in their treasure box. The children showed and described what was in their treasure box to their friends and then drew and wrote about their treasures:




Following on from the children’s interest in making music and musical instruments we have been exploring instruments both indoors and outside. We talked about their sound and playing them loud and quiet:




Continuing our learning about ‘Women’s History Month’ we learned more about the Queen. The children were fascinated by her crown and decided to make their own crowns.


Next week in Literacy we will be continuing our learning based on ‘The Pirates are Coming’. In Maths we will be starting our ‘Building 9 and 10’ phase of White Rose Maths and it is Science week in school an the theme is ‘growth’.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Dallow and Mrs Owen.