Our Week in Reception.


Activity packs - British Science Week

We have had a super Science week learning all about growth. We talked about how we grow from babies to being elderly, we looked at bulbs and many different types of seeds which we cut from inside fruit and vegetables. We have observed how some cress seeds have changed over the week and we have planted our sunflower seed.




In Maths we have started our ‘Building 9 and 10’ learning. We have looked at number bonds to 9 and 10, used numicon to make up 9 and 10 and used cheerios on pipe cleaners for more than and less than.



In Literacy we started to read the story ‘The Pirates are Coming’. We made misfit pirate faces and wrote captions and sentences to describe them. We replied to a message in a bottle which we received from the pirates.



During LEX time some of the children have made a ‘speedboat ship’ using the loose parts. They pretended to ride on the speedboat ship and have a picnic. Following on from this we read ‘Whatever Next’ and made sandwiches to eat at our own picnic.

We continued the children’s interests in paper aeroplanes by each making one and testing to see whose went the furthest, the highest and the fastest:

They have also enjoyed taking turns in water play




Our Woman in History learning continued this week when we learned facts about Julia Donaldson. We listened to ‘Paper Dolls’ written by her and then made our own paper dolls.



We learned about St Patrick’s Day. We watched a video about St Patrick, made rainbow hats and danced an Irish jig:



What a busy, fun week of learning we’ve had! 

Have a lo9vely weekend everyone!