Hello everyone, we have had a super busy  2 weeks in nursery.

We have started exploring where pirates come from, which led to a walk around school to look at  the world maps and  we asked  teachers where they were born. This worked well as it was  st patrick’s day, which we talked about Ireland

We have read the story about the pirates and the children have been doing some great learning through their  play. We have shown great counting skills, even Mr Kenyon came to see how good  we are. We have made pirate flags and turned the nursery climbing frame  into a   pirate ship.  We have been to the forest and realised the  pirates had stolen the nursery treasure and hid  it under a tree.


We have been exploring the musical instruments again and are getting very good at changing between fast and slow .

Some children started a singing and dancing show as well. What a treat  it was for  us!

We decorated green biscuits for st patrick’s day.

We had a special treat from Mrs Dorofte in the library by entertaining us with a  puppet show about Little red riding hood.


We have lots of fun times  in nursery and this is where your children learn their social   skills. We celebrated Artur and Shauna as stars  of the week. Your children are wonderful and always have a story to tell, we love hearing them all. Feel free to share anything via class dojo or evidence me.

A great big thank you to Jacks  mummy for bringing Baby Charlotte into nursery, the children were fascinated  and  asked lots of questions.

Thanks again for sharing your children with us and for the ongoing support


The Nursery Team.


