Our Week in Reception.


This week Reception have seen our Fred the Frog being stolen from our classroom by the pirates! We discussed what we could do to get Fred back. We decided to think about how we could make a pirate trap to stop the pirates coming into our classroom again. We also made posters describing Fred. We put these up around school in the hope that Fred may be found.



In Maths we have been continuing our ‘Building 9 and 10’ learning. We have looked at numberbonds to 10, talked about more, fewer and the same using groups of items, and played skittles to count how many have been knocked over and find the number on the number track:

We also sang ‘Ten in the Bed’ looking at how many bears were in the bed and how many out of the bed. The children continued this into their Learning and Exploring time (LEX) by acting out the song.



We have enjoyed being outside in the sunshine and making the most of the garden area:



These are some of the activities we enjoy when we first arrive in school:



We have been watching how the sunflower seed we planted last week has grown. We have had some frog spawn brought in and we have talked about what we think might happen and how long it may take for the spawn to become frogs. We have been fascinated by the tadpoles swimming around in the tank:



We made cards and presents for our mums for Mothers Day. The children made their own decision on what to draw on their card; they did it completely independently. They each took selfies which were made into coasters:



It’s been another fun, busy week.