Caradoc’s Week

We have had a busy and fun week in Caradoc and as usual, the children have been working hard!  In Maths we completed our Properties of Shape unit and are about to start on Fractions.  In English, we have planned our diary entries taking the role of Major Glad or Major Dizzy and have written our starters.  In RE, we listened to a story about heaven before drawing a representation on what we imagine heaven to look like.  In PE, we have continued with our mindfulness stretching, with everyone becoming more and more confident with the different moves.  In Geography we looked at a range of deserts and answered the question – are all deserts hot?  All the children learnt that deserts can be hot and cold, along with a range of other facts.  In DT, the children made a buggy using cardboard, wheels and axels to trek over Antarctica, following a careful planning session the previous week.

Well done to Brodi who was our Star of the Week on Friday.  Brodi is developing confident in comprehension and is making sure he answers in full sentences.  Brodi is then keen to support other children in their comprehension.  Well done Brodi!

Thank you to everyone who attended parents evening either face to face or over the telephone.  It was wonderful to share our fantastic achievements in class.  A reminder that I will be holding a Year 2 SATS meeting on Wednesday, 6th April at 5pm.  A letter was sent home on Friday with a reply slip.  If you have any questions, please do let me know.

Thank you for your ongoing support.