Our Week in Reception.


We have had another busy week in Reception.


In Literacy we have finished reading our ‘Gigantosaurus’ story. Following on from the story this week we have been talking about friendship. We discussed who is our friend and why. We made friendship bracelets and wrote our own recipe for a friendship potion.




In Maths we have been learning about most and least. We had some jewels in jars which we counted and then ordered the jars least to most. We also learned more about 2D and 3D shapes:




Each Thursday afternoon we have LEX time with the children from Nursery. This gives all the children an opportunity to explore the different areas in Early Years and supports transition for the children who will move into Reception in September. The children enjoy this time getting to know each other and spending time with all the adults in Early Years.




Next week we will be retelling the Gigantosaurus story and learning about the Queen and the Platinum Jubilee.