Our Week in Reception


We have had another busy, fun week in Reception.



In Literacy we have read to the end of our book ‘The Sea Saw’. The children predicted what they thought would happen at the end of the book and were very surprised, and happy, at how it really ended! We also talked about the characters in the book and the children wrote a letter to Sofia pretending they were the sea and telling her what they saw.

Following on from the story we had a visit from Mr Card who talked to the children about his job as a Train Conductor. He showed them photographs and items which relate to his job:

The children made trains inside and outside using the loose parts available. They pretended to go to Shrewsbury Beach, the red shop, Blue Planet and London:




In Maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers. The children danced to the music and then we added one more child each time the music stopped to learn which numbers were odd or even. We talked about the even numbers having a partner and the odd numbers having an odd one.We continued this in smaller groups when the children used teddies. 




For lunch on Tuesday we had a special Summer BBQ:



In Understanding the World we met EVO the Robot. The children learned how EVO works and explored what it can do:




We finished the week with a fantastic Early Years Graduation. We had a terrific time celebration the children’s achievements with their families and friends:


What a great week!