Hello everyone, we have been so busy the last few weeks we haven’t had time to share the wonderful things with you. This will be the last nursery post before we finish for the summer.   We have had transition days for the older  children starting reception which is a very big step for them. We have had the wonderful graduation   ceremony and the children were amazing and have all made so much  progress since starting with us. .For those starting reception we wish you well and are so proud of you all. The children whom are staying we look forward to having lots more fun and learning with you.


The children have been amazing, and we will miss them all very much. They become a big part  of our lives as well and know they will keep being amazing  . We will welcome some new children with the ones  staying and await new adventures. 


Thank you for the continued support your children are amazing and we know they will keep thriving.  Stay safe and enjoy the summer holiday’s, have lots of fun together and enjoy each other and we will be waiting with happy faces in September.

The Nursery Team.