Our Week in Reception


We have had a fantastic, fun final full week in Reception.


In Literacy we have talked about what happened in the story ‘The Sea Saw’. We talked about what happened at the beginning, the middle and the end to prepare the children for retelling and rewriting the story.

The children chose the Literacy activities they wanted to do this week. These included writing invitations, summer colouring, picnic writing and tricky word colouring.




During LEX time the children have enjoyed making twirlers, playing parachute games and exploring the water wall and how to make the different parts of it move:




We had a wonderful time on our end of year trip on the train. We walked to the Cambrian Railway station where we were met by a volunteer who showed us around the museum. All the children had a turn at pulling the lever to make the signal work. We then went to the platform to wait for the train. We went on the train to Weston Wharf where we ate our picnic lunch in the Buffet Carriage and then played parachute games before catching the train back to Oswestry Station and then returning to school. We had an amazing time. A big thank you to everyone at Oswestry Cambriam Railway for making it so special.