Welcome to Caradoc

Hello everyone and welcome to Year Two in Caradoc! Mrs Morgan and I cannot wait to see you all tomorrow. We have lots of fun activities to ease us back into the school routine.

Please make sure you are in full school uniform, including jumper and appropriate school shoes. It is set to rain all week so please remember your coat.  Please can you ensure all uniform items are clearly labelled so that we can return any lost items immediately.  Children also need a named water bottle so that everyone can keep hydrated throughout the day.

There has been a change in our school day. School will now open at at 8:40am for all children, with doors closing at 8.45am.  School will now finish at 3:15pm, with the children being released from the same doors as last year.

Although the exact days are not quite yet set, PE will commence next week, so please make sure all children have their full PE kits in from Monday – Friday each week.

See you all tomorrow, from Mrs Thompstone.