Caradoc’s First Week

Caradoc Newsletter and Overview

Autumn 1 Newsletter Caradoc Autumn 1 Overview for Caradoc


What a wonderful first week we have had back at school and in our Year Two Caradoc class!  Everyone has settled in so well and have impressed myself and Mrs Morgan with their attitude to learning and positive behaviour.

During the week we have introduced ourselves, discussed our time away from school, shown our number knowledge and used pictures to help us write a story using our imagination.

Moving onto next week, we will be starting our full timetable and our curriculum newsletter will be out as soon as possible, this will allow you all to see what to expect in our class over the next half term.

Reading books were issued on Friday, with every child bringing home a reading for challenge book and a reading for pleasure book.  Our expectations in Caradoc are for children to read at home five times a week.  Please can this be logged in children’s reading records.

Please can all children have their PE kits in school from this week.  As we finalise our timetables, our PE days may alter slightly, so if the kits are in school all children can be ready and prepared.

If you have any questions, please do let myself or Mrs Morgan know either on the door or via Class Dojo.  We are both looking forward to working alongside yourselves and your children over the school year!