Our Week in Clee

Clee Newsletter and Overview

Clee Autumn 1 Clee Newsletter Autumn Term 1

We have had another fantastic busy week in Clee.


We started our Phonics sessions this week. The children have been amazing and already learned the first four sounds m, a, s, and d:



In Maths we have started a new scheme of work called Mastering Number. The children have been learning about subitising during our whole group carpet time. They have then taken this into their learning with different activities:




In Literacy we have introduced the focus book ‘The Gingerbread Man’. This started with us finding small footprints outside our classroom door which led us to ingredients. We discovered that the ingredients were to make gingerbread people. We used the ingredients to make the dough and everyone had a turn at rolling it and cutting out their gingerbread person. We enjoyed eating them and found ‘The Gingerbread Man’ book on the tray. Following this Mrs Allan discovered on the CCTV that there had been a gingerbread man in our classroom; we saw him on a photograph and also a video when he was running around the classroom shouting ‘Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m a gingerbread man!’ This caused great excitement with the children and so we made ‘Look Out’ posters and hung them around school:



We followed the children’s interest in volcanoes by making our own volcanoes outside. The children were fascinated and thoroughly enjoyed using their senses to explore the textures:



Here are some of the highlights of our LEX time:



On Thursday we celebrated the school Harvest festival by learning about harvest by watching a video. We sang ‘Big Red Combine HarvesterWe then harvested fruit and leaves which we used for different activities such as apple and carrot printing, writing with carrots, leaf painting and printing:



What a fantastic week of learning!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen