What have Stiperstones been up to this term?

In Stiperstones we have made an excellent start to the new academic year. I have been very proud of the way my Y6’s approached their baseline SATs assessments, demonstrating great resilience and maturity. They have made a brilliant start to Y6.

Year 5 have also demonstrated studious approaches to their learning, many making exceptional progress to achieving their pen licences and taking great pride in their work.

In maths we have been working hard on developing our place value knowledge and have just started our adding and subtraction unit.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed writing dairy entries and learning about Annie Edson Taylor this term in English, by studying the non-fiction book written by Chris Van Allsburg- ‘Queen of The Falls’. 

Outstanding science has occurred in Year 5 this term, in our unit ‘Earth and Space’. The children have explored, drawn diagrams and written explanations of how the earth’s rotation and orbiting of the sun causes day and night. They spent a day observing over time, how their shadows move and change shape over the course of the day. Most recently in science, they completing an experiment using fair testing, to create moon craters.


Our geography unit this term has been to create a comparison study between the cities of London and Paris. We have had great fun comparing and exploring the capital cities of England and Paris. Creating travel tourism leaflets, outlining landmarks for each city. Creating bar charts, presenting the amount of rainfall each city has over the months of the year. A lot of children decided to complete extra home learning around this topic over the term which was excellent to see. 

Stiperstones have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of their learning this term, from creating shadow puppets in the style of Lotte Reiniger in our Art lessons, to learning about networks and systems in our computing sessions.

I have been very impressed by the hard work demonstrated this half term. I hope this further develops next term.

I hope everyone has a well-deserved rest over half term and I look forward to seeing everyone soon.


Miss Scoltock and Mrs Walmsley.