The last week of Autumn 1

This week we finished our place value unit in maths, learnt how craters are made in science and evaluated our artwork among many other end of term activities! 📚

As we finished on a Thursday, we don’t have a star of the week but all the children have worked extra hard this term and deserve a big well done! ⭐️

Homework over the half term is to create a poster on sustainability in space, for our space day when we return in the new half term. Please see the post by Mrs. Platt for more details. Please feel free to create your own poster, but if you need any paper I did print a template off and give one to the children . posters will then be judged by school council and a winner will be selected for a small prize 🛰

Our PE days when we return are Tuesday and Wednesday again 😊 if you are taking part in bikeability, please remember to bring your bike on Monday 31st October (the first Monday back).

I hope everyone has a lovely half term!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter
