Our first week in Autumn 2

It’s been a busy start back in Ercall! We’ve had bikeability, a rock concert, started addition and subtraction in maths, and the holy trinity in RE 😀

it was brilliant to see some of the entries for the science competition. Winners will be announced shortly after a discussion between Mrs. Platt and school council.

This week we didn’t have a star of the week, but our first value champion (from last terms value, thankfulness) who was Elsie! Elsie always focuses on what she has to be thankful for, and spreads this positive attitude to all those around her. Well done Elsie ✨

A letter today has gone home about parents evening which is being held next Tuesday and Thursday. Please feel free to dojo or return the slip if you would like a meeting.
School photos were also sent home to order if wanted.

We hope everyone has a safe and lovely weekend if attending a bonfire!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

