Welcome back to Hawkstone class

Wellcome back the half term holidays, hope you have had a lovely week off.

The children came back to school ready to learn and what a wonderful week we have had, first we celebrate our Christian distinctiveness champion for last half term  of Thankfulness- Hanna, she has been such a wonderful role model for the other children with her positive attitude to learning in and out of the classroom.

We have started our new class txt and been making predictions what we think the book is about.


In maths, we have now moved onto addition and subtraction learning how to successfully add when exchanging.

In science year 4 for are learning about electricity and the use of appliances and in RE we have been learning about the Trinity .

Not only the wonderful class work but some children took part in bike ability where they pass3 the level one of the course – learning to ride with confidence.

This week we have parents evening – see letters which have gone out.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.