Our week in Hawkstone

This week we are celebrating 2 stars of the week- it was so hard to choose one so we had 2.

Elisa for her fantastic dialogue between two characters. Her positive attitude to learning is evident in every lesson. She never gives up and always thrives to provide work to an excellent standard.

Cameron has settled well in Hawkstone class, he is a delight to teach and is working hard in all subjects.

This week we have been learning to write a conversation between a wicked witch and Jub. The children wrote their own conversations based on an image, acted it out and then wrote  to down with added body language,  actions and correct punctuation.

In science, the year 4 children have been creating circuits with different components and drawing the correct image for the circuit.

For PSHE, the year 4 children are learning about the different feeling and how to manage them. We are basing our learning around a book called ‘Bottled’.

This is a bottle. You will have seen bottles before. What are you bottling up? Maybe now’s the time to explore… It is important to share our feelings rather than bottling them up inside. With Bottled, teachers Tom and Joe Brassington help children of all ages understand why and how they should express their emotions in a healthy way. A starting point for early, crucial conversations surrounding mental wellbeing, this book is an invaluable tool which parents, guardians and teachers can use to create emotionally honest spaces for children in their care.