A week in Hawkstone

Star of the week this week is Alex

Alex has been outstanding this week in all areas of the curriculum. Not only has he excelled in sewing but in his handwriting, Maths and English. Alex also passed his accelerated reader book quiz, passed his phonics assessment and achieved 100 metres in his swimming club. WHAT A WONDERFUL WEEK! 🌟 🤩

this poem is a great example of expanded noun phrases, similes and personification. Well done,

This week we have continued with electricity in Science, we have been making our own switches to get A light bulb to work 💡


Year 5 have been busy in Science exploring moon craters, as part of there Earth and Space unit. They have made some excellent observation and carried out great fair testing. Next week we are moving onto our ‘Materials and their properties’ unit of work.

In DT, this week we have been learning how to sew a button, pin a piece of material and then use last weeks skills of a running stitch to secure the material.


In PE, we have been learning how to dance to WW2 scenarios. This week was the battle scene; in the trenches, in the sky and on the ground. The children used their imagination and the music to help.


As a class, we are striving to improve our presentation with a focus on handwriting, letter formation and neatness on our books. Handwriting may be coming home this week to enable the children to continue to practice.

Thank you for your continued support in reading, times tables, spellings and handwriting that comes home.

We have had a busy week and now we are in the run up to Christmas, we will have lots of activities planned starting with the pantomime this Tuesday. Have a lovely weekend and see you Monday.