Our week in Stiperstones.

Christmas celebrations have begun this week, with the watching of the pantomime Aladdin on Tuesday morning. It was an excellent show and we all had great fun and laughter watching it.

Our Stiperstones Superstar this week is Stefani

Stefani is our Star this week for the excellent home learning she always completes.


In science this week, we started our Properties and Changes of Materials unit of study.  We started our learning by looking at the difference between melting and dissolving. We then carried out inquires such as observation and fair testing, to decided which solids dissolved in 50ml of cold water. The children had great fun, and completing some great science!


We are now in our third week of netball lessons.  Neil is very impressed with the children, he said they are making great progress with learning the tricky footwork rules in netball. They played some excellent games on Tuesday afternoon, everyone was smiling, even though it was a particularly chilly afternoon! 🥶


In our structures unit of study, we have been busy researching, designing and constructing our Greek Temples, linking our learning to our history topic. They haven’t yet finished their structures, but some excellent temples are under construction.

We have about her busy and exciting week to look forward to, with Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch on Wednesday 7th December 🎄