๐ŸŽ„ A busy week in Hawkstone ๐ŸŽ„

Christian. Values champion for Trust

Gracie- for her great effort in class. When a task is set, she is trusted to complete all work to a great standard. Not only this but Gracie is a fantastic role model outside of the classroom, whether it is at lunch time in the hall, during PE sessions and during Collective Worship.

In science, we have been testing our knowledge of circuits and created a closed circuit โ€˜hoop buzzer gameโ€™. This was not only was fun but challenged the children to get the buzzer working.

Anabel buzzer gameย see video attached.


We have had another successful DT sewing session with our sewing helpers. This week we used our stocking template to cut around the felt, we then used our sewing skills to create the stocking using a running stitch and over stitch. Finally, we attached a bell or button to the stocking, we will finish next week.


Again thank you for all the help and support from the lovely ladies.

Next week is our last week, we have a lot planned such as writing our own traditional tale, finishing our stocking, Christmas card and calendar making, the year 4s are at the cinema and singing around the Christmas tree.