Excitement in Long Mynd!

We have had a brilliant first few weeks back in Long Mynd! The children have really enjoyed our new topics and we were very excited to have a visit from the Air Ambulance this afternoon!

In Art we have been experimenting with the medium of charcoal and how we can create different effects using our hands, fingers, rubbers and paintbrushes.

We have used our increasing knowledge of charcoal to create cave drawings based on cave art. The children worked on large rolls of paper and really enjoyed creating narratives through their art.

In Science we have have been looking at the human and animal skeletons. We handled different bones and learnt about the different functions our skeleton has.

We had a surprise visit from the Air Ambulance who were kind enough to let us come to have a closer look and answer our questions. The children had some really insightful questions and were very excited to see the helicopter take off!