Our Week in Clee


We have enjoyed another great week of learning in Clee.


In Literacy we have continued our learning based on our focus text ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jerry and Jan Oke. We read a few more pages of the book and found out that it is about a London bus. We watched a video of a London sight seeing tour. Following this we talked about some famous London landmarks and wrote labels for them on a map:



In Maths we have been representing amounts using our fingers and other items. We have also been practising the ‘stopping number’ when counting:





A number of children have spoken about planting recently, following on from this in Understanding the World we looked at seeds and bulbs and talked about how to plant them and what they need to grow:



We continued our learning about the RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch by walking around school and bird spotting. We then made bird feeders; some were pine cones with lard and seeds and some were made using cheerios threaded onto pipe cleaners. The children then chose where to hang them outside:




On Friday the Air Ambulance made an emergency landing on the school field. We were able to take a close look at the helicopter and watch it land and take off:




Here are some of photos of Show and Tell and our LEX time activities:


Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year, continuing our Naughty Bus focus and Mastering Number Maths.