Our week in Hawkstone

Star of the week Amelia, for her fantastic effort in her writing. Not only does she produce work to a fantastic standard but incorporates all grammatical features asked. Such as conjunctions, relative clauses and similes.


We have have a busy this week in Hawkstone. We began be learning new vocabulary linked to our new class text ‘ Arthur and the Golden rope’. We spent time  improving our dictionary skills by finding the definition of a word and matching images to the words.

In Art, we have been drawing nests using ink, for this we needed specialist pens and liquid ink where we were able to draw and flick the ink to create twigs and sticks.

In french, we learnt about family members and what nouns matched which image: mum, dad, sister, brother, pets etc.

In science, we created our own digestive system to see how each part functions. We used a bag for the stomach, tights for the intestines and passed food through the items to see how the body would absorb nutrients and pass waste.  We will be following this up by writing it up in our own words.

The children also had a visit from the air ambulance where they were able to have a look around the helicopter and ask questions.

This week in art we will be creating a nest out of clay and twigs using resources gathered from the school field.