This week in Ercall!

This week in Ercall we have made cave drawings in art, finished our Iron Man book in English and practised how to tackle in Football among many other exciting things!

our star of the week is Faith for her fantastic artwork and effort in handwriting. Well done Faith 🌟 well done to Demi, who has moved up to the next wave in swimming – congratulations! 🌊 and a big congratulations to Elsie who won a medal for her gymnastics! She’s been showing off her new moves in PE and it’s clear to see how much  hard work she’s put in 🤸

A big thank you to all who donated a £1 to the NSPCC today. Your support is greatly appreciated 😊

Next week we will be learning about prayer mats in RE, creating a poster on Oswestry in Geography and beginning our independent write in English✅

Homework this week is to ensure reading at home takes place and is recorded and to practice soundcheck on TTRockstars. This can be done on any device with internet by googling TTRockstars log in, going to log in, selecting school, then student, entering the school postcode (sy11 2lf) and then entering log on details which can be found in the front of reading records.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss SalterÂ