Our Week in Clee


This week we have learned to say ‘hello’ in French. The children have enjoyed saying (and singing) ‘Bonjour Mrs Meddins’.



This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week. We have read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and talked about which Colour Monster’s feelings we are and why. The children made Colour Monster stick puppets and made up their own colour monster. We also talked about the different emotions Naughty Bus had shown in our book and why he would feel like that.




On Tuesday we learned celebrated ‘Safer Internet Day’ by playing a game called ‘Can you help me please? This game allowed the children to practise asking for help. We did this by playing using a puppet to pass around the circle, when the music stops that child is asked how the scenario on a card might make them feel, and who would be the best person to talk to. 






In Mastering Number this week we have been singing the song ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ to learn about the composition of 5. We used our fingers and thumb to represent the frogs on the log and in the pool. We used the sentence ‘5 is made from…….3 and 2’. The children followed this by accessing activities and showing their understanding independently:




In Literacy we finished reading ‘Naughty Bus’. We spotted the tricky words in the story, looked at Naughty Bus’s emotions, bed time routines and talked and wrote about where Naughty Bus had been in the story:


We continued last week’s Storytelling Week as more adults asked to read to the children. The children also told their own stories. They told stories about a crocodile in a pond and a dragon who ate everything and everybody.




Some mornings this week it has been icy in different areas of the playground. We talked about being safe and why the children couldn’t go in those areas. The children wanted to investigate the ice; they described it as being cold, freezing and white:




LEX time: The children have shown an interest in bubbles this week; they used washing up liquid and water to make bubbles. We provided different resources for them to use to explore the bubbles:



Next week we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day and making up our own adventure for Naughty Bus. Our language of the week will be Spanish.