The last week in Spring 1

Our last week in Ercall has certainly been a busy one! We have put all our football skills to use when we played a small game in PE, we presented our Oswestry homework to the class in a geography lesson and finished our independent write in English too! 😊

Congratulations to all those who received a certificate for reading and a big well done to Ollie who has now read over 100,000 words. Well done Ollie! πŸ…Β 

Our value this term was perseverance – our champion of this was Maria! Maria never gives up and has been working so hard in her maths recently, not letting any mistake defeat her and even going back to correct them. Well done Maria πŸ’«

Next term we will be continuing our multiplication and division unit before starting measurements in maths, we will start a fresh DT unit and begin learning all about what parts of the body are called in French πŸ‡«πŸ‡· Don’t forget world book day which is the first Thursday back too (2nd March)

We hope everyone has a lovely week off and we look forward to starting second spring term soon!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter