End of the half term in Hawkstone class

We have had a busy few weeks, our subjects have been coming to an end for this half term and we have produced lots of creative pieces of work to be very proud of.

Our star of the week was Josh with his fantastic attitude to maths, learning about factors, factor pairs and common factors – his knowledge of times tables has helped with the multiplication unit.

Our Christian values champion was Miguel – he has preserved with his handwriting since September and we can finally say he is achieving all of his next steps and he is extremely proud of the standard of writing he produces. Well done.


In Pe, we have now completed our gymnastics and football unit. We finished with a mini football tournament.

For our computing unit, we have been editing photos using an app called Befunky. In the final lessons, we learnt how to crop, cut and combine images. We have also been exploring our virtual classroom.

We have now written our own myth stories based on the class text, Arthur and the golden rope. To help us plan our own, we created a story map from the story and retold the story with images and key words.

We have also been improving our vocabulary by using a dictionary to understand words. In our RIC session, we have been looking at the work class, the word in content, synonyms and antonyms linked to a word.

We were fortunate enough to be given a birds next to explore (linked to our Art unit) we analysed the way it was made and the features.