Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week of learning in Clee.

Our language of the week has been Welsh. We learned to say ‘Bore Da’ and ‘Helo’ during register time.



In Mastering Number in Maths we have been learning more about ‘more than’ and ‘less than’.

We have also learned about shape and been on a shape hunt inside and outside:




On Wednesday we came back inside to find some mysterious footprints and a suitcase. The children thought the footprints were made by “chicks because they are small, a polar bear, a snake and a bear.” Inside the suitcase we found an umbrella, binoculars, bird seed, a map, suncream and a book called ‘The Journey Home’ by Emma Levey. The children then predicted what they thought might happen in the story:




In Understanding the World we learned about St David’s Day. We looked at where Wales is on the map, the Welsh flag, daffodils, a leek and we ate Welsh cakes for snack. 


We also learned about Baba Marta Day which is celebrated by our Bulgarian families. We looked at where Bulgaria is on the map, the Bulgarian flag and some of the older children came and told us the story of Baba Marta and showed us how to make martenitsas:


We also learned about some famous women in History:




On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. The children’s costumes were fantastic. They each had a turn to describe and show their costume to their friends.

We were invited to Book Bookshop for a story session and the children had the opportunity to use their World Book vouchers to choose a book:




Here are some of our LEX activities:


Next week our language will be Italian, we will say ‘ciao’ during register time. In Literacy we will be starting our focus text ‘The Journey Home’ by Emma Levey. In Maths we are continuing our Mastering Number work on counting.