Snow Day!

Happy Snow Day!

As well as enjoying yourself in the snow, below I have attached some activities you can have a go at completing today and over the weekend.

Click on the link below, to see a range of snow day activities you could completed whilst you are outside having fun in the snow.

Snow Day Activities


Snow Day Photography competition

Can you take a cool picture in the snow? Think about:

  • Footprints
  • shapes and patterns
  • snowmen
  • snowangels

Year 6

Please log onto SATs bootcamp and complete some practise papers on there.


Year 5

Have a go at completing the arithmetic practise questions below.

Y5 Extension Arithmetic

Snowflake Poem- Comprehension 

Snowflake comprehension

I hope you have a great day and lots of fun in the snow. Please share any pictures of your fun or work with my on Dojo.

Stay safe, and see you next week.