Snow day activities!

Snow day

Good morning, below are some activities to be completed today if you would like something to do (just click on the links). Any responses can be recorded in reading record/homework book.

Reading: Please record some reading over the weekend and take a book test if you need to on accelerated

English reading comprehension – complete the questions after reading the blurb of the book.

reading comprehension


Maths: Times table re-cap – how quick can you complete the questions? Set a timer and record how long it takes.

times tables


RE: Think about what having a real egg would be like s a gift – would you prefer this or a chocolate one?

RE Teatime Talk Easter Eggs

Photography Competition  – send in via dojo

Can you take a cool picture in the snow? Think about:

  • Footprints
  • shapes and patterns
  • snowmen
  • snow angels

I hope everyone is having a fun time in the snow and staying safe,

See you Monday!