Our week in Stiperstones

🌟  Stiperstones superstar 🌟

Hasan is our superstar this week for his amazing maths!

We’ve had a busy week in Stiperstones.

On Monday, Y5 continued with their Forces unit in science. Their task was to build different shaped boats, to see which travelled through water the best as part of our water resistant learning. We were focusing on key vocabulary such as: stream lined, hydrodynamic and surface area. Great science took place and we discovered that the narrower and pointier the boat, the quicker it travelled through the water as it was the most stream lined.


In PE this week, we have continued to develop our strength, flexibility, balance, stamina and agility skills in our fitness and mindfulness stretching units of study.

On Friday afternoon we starting making patterns and prototypes of our cushion covers in our DT lesson.

We firstly had to make patterns on square paper, to pin onto our chosen fabric. This process required the children to demonstrate their precise cutting skills and perseverance with pinning their pattern onto their fabric.

Once they had their pieces of fabric cut, they practised their running stitch skills again from last week, to sew their two pieces of fabric together. It was a great afternoon and I was very impressed with the sewing skills demonstrated by everyone.