Our Week in Clee


This week in Clee our language of the week has been Arabic.


In Maths we have continued practising counting up to, and above 20. The children worked in pairs to count how long their partner could stand on one leg. We discussed different strategies to help us count 20 objects and the children worked together to make collections of 20 objects:




In Literacy we read some more of our focus text ‘Silly Doggy!’. We then discussed what we would feed a bear if one came to our house and the children each had a picture of themself with a speech bubble to write about what they would say to a bear if they saw one in their garden:






In Forest School the children made musical instruments which they used to accompany them singing; the song they chose to sing was ‘Jingle Bells!’:



One of the children brought in a paper aeroplane. This brought on the children wanting to make their own paper aeroplane and see whose aeroplane could fly the furthest. One of the children said ‘Only paper aeroplanes can fly, metal aeroplanes can’t fly’. We had a discussion about this, a vote as to who thought metal aeroplanes can and can’t fly, we watched a video of a plane taking off, discussed if the aeroplane was metal or paper and then had another vote. The children’s discussions and reasoning were great:




Here is some of the other learning which has taken place this week: