Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week of learning and fun.


In Mastering Number in Maths we have been continuing our learning about subitising. The children have been finding ways to represent six and we have talked about if they can subitise their representation or if they need to count:




In Literacy we finished our focus text ‘Silly Doggy!’ by Adam Stower. We discussed the sequence of the story and the children began to re-wrie the story. They made maps of zoos and enclosures to ensure the animals could not escape.

The children are showing a big interest in authors and illustrators and so this week they wrote and illustrated their own books; they have been very proud of what they have achieved:

We have read three books written by Adam Stower. The children voted on which was their favourite book and some gave reasons why:


This week’s Drawing Club book has been ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ as it links in with our Literacy focus. The children have the opportunity to come to Drawing Club during LEX time. They draw a picture either of a character or setting and write codes which make their drawing do something amazing; their ideas are fantastic:


In PE we talked about the importance of warming up and cooling down our bodies. We used balloons to place on different parts of our body, move around our body and keep up in the air using parts of our body:



One of the children brought in a snail which they had found on their way to school. The children were fascinated by the snail and named it ‘Peter’. We watched the snail move and noticed how he made a glittery trail. We found out what the different parts of a snail are called and noticed that there were some snail trails in our classroom:



Here are some of the exciting ideas the children initiated during LEX:


Next week we will be continuing to re-write the ‘Silly Doggy!’ story in Literacy. In Maths we will be learning more about Composition. Following on from ‘Peter the snail’ we will be looking at the artist Kandinsky and creating our own spirals inspired by his work.

It is going to be a sunny week, please ensure your child has suncream applied before they come to school and they have a sun hat with them in school.

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.