Our Week in Clee


This week in Clee our language has been Australian. The children have found it really funny to say ‘G’day’ or ‘G’day Mate’ during the register. The children have asked to say hello in Spanish next week.



In Mastering Number Maths this week we have been using the ‘5 and a bit way’ to make numbers to 10:



In Literacy a parcel arrived with a note saying that we need to keep a look out for the Chilly Peas we released from the ice last week as they can cause mischief! Inside the parcel was our focus book ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra. This is one of our favourite books and the children were very excited when they saw it. We looked at the blurb abd the two front pages. We then took turns to mime something that Supertato was doing:



As it has been so hot our PE session was inside. The children practised some races remembering to take turns with their team mates:




This week has been ‘Big Green Week’. We looked at oceans and how plastic can be harmful to the creatures that live in it. We pretended the paddling pool was the ocean and inside it were sea creatures, shells, fruit peel and food packaging, plastic bags, and containers. The children decided if the items were good in the ocean or not good and why:



These are some other activities we have been doing during the week: