A busy week in Hawkstone Class

Our stars of the week ⭐️

Miguel-for his fantastic attitude and behaviour on the school residential.
Jessie- for her effort in homework with maths. When she’s completed a task in class, she will ask for work to complete at home to consolidate her learning.

A huge thank you for all the support with Big Green Week, we have successfully recycled a good amount of clothes with the Salvation Army and we had a huge amount of posters and information to inform others.

In DT, we took part in a sensory session where we tasted a selection of pizzas. We focused on the appearance, smell and taste and rated them.

For our computing session we planned and created our own games on scratch, we used our knowledge of coding and designed with care.

In PE, we have been practicing how to hit the ball using a tennis racket.

This week we celebrated RSE day for part of our PSHE. The theme this year is KINDNESS, we listened to songs with a message of support and completed a selection of activities to help us understand being kind and how to support others.