Our First Week in Clee


It’s been fantastic to welcome the children into Clee Class. Mrs Owen, Mrs Roberts, Miss Heath and I are so proud of how well they have settled during the first three days. The children have enjoyed exploring our learning environments both inside and outside. They have listened to stories, joined in singing, dancing and circle games, and making new friends. They have developed their independence at snacktime, and lunchtime by choosing their own lunch and carrying their own tray. What a super start. Well done everyone!

At the end of each week there will be a post on this class page showing the learning which has taken place during the week. Your child will possibly come home saying they’ve played all day! They are absolutely right! Early Years learning takes place through their play. During the first few weeks we will spend time getting to know each child; their likes and interests. This helps us to plan exciting activities to extend their learning by using their individual interests. As time moves on the children will be taught Literacy, Maths, Phonics together with other areas of learning.


Some children have brought home letters about signing up to Class Dojo, if you need any help with signing up please let me know and I can help.


Every Friday a child will bring home Travel Ted for the weekend. Travel Ted comes with his own book for you to write, draw or add photos (if you would like to) to show what he has been doing during the weekend. On Monday the child can tell the class about what adventures they have had with Travel Ted.


If you are unsure about anything or have any questions at all please speak to one of us in class or contact me via Class Dojo.


Here are some photos to show some of the learning during this first week: