Our Week in Clee

We have had another fun, busy week in Clee.


In Maths we have started our Mastering Number learning.
This week we have been subitising up to 3. The children have looked at patterns of dots and described what they see and how they see it.
We have also looked at comparing size. We had a pretend picnic with a big bear and a small bear. The children decided which size objects belong with which bear. They then built houses and compared the size.


We introduced our  Literacy focus story ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy by having a pyjama day.

We talked about bedtime routines and used objects to sequence this. We pretended to go to sleep and then listened to and identified sounds.

The children took turns to draw and describe  something they do before they go to bed.



We had a visit from Reverend James from Holy Trinity Church. Reverend James talked to us about his job at the church and showed photographs of other people who work at the church and will be coming to visit us in our classroom



These are some other activities we’ve enjoyed this week:

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Meddins.