Our Week in Lawley

We have had a wonderful first few weeks in Lawley.  The children have settled well into their new class and are working very hard.  In English we have been finding out about astronauts and have designed a space menu. We are currently collecting cardboard tubes so that we can make our own space rockets!  In Maths we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  In PSHE we have been learning about being a good friend and dealing with conflicts. In Art we have been completing an artist study on Paul Klee and have been exploring the use of water colours.  In PE we have been pirates!  This involved role play –scrubbing the decks, climbing the rigging, tidying the berths, visiting a treasure island and walking the plank!

Well done to all the children have been reading at home.  Please do remember reading at home supports your child so much through all of their learning and we would like them to read five times a week.  Children have been given one or two phonics books which are changed every Friday and a reading for pleasure book which they can change when they wish.  Happy reading.

Mr Howle