Hawkstone Class

⭐️ Well done to Grace who is our star of the week for her fantastic efforts in all areas of the curriculum especially handwriting. Her continued efforts have been noticed. ⭐️

In Science, we have been looking at solids, liquids and gasses. We conducted an investigation to see the density of liquids, discussing how viscous certain liquids are. We then observed the buoyancy of raisins when adding then to a carbonated drink.

In art, we used watercolours to add colour to the images we drew last week in our view finders- drawing what we can see.

We attended Holy Trinity Church for our Harvest Service, thank you all for the donations which will go to the local food bank . All children joined in with our class  ‘Thank a farmer’ speech.

In PE, we have been working on multi skills, we have been skipping, balancing and learning a controlled throw into a target.

For Geography this half term, we are learning about Europe. This week we looked at the different flag and currency.