Our week in Hawkstone

🌟 We start with out star of the week- 🌟

Paula with her fantastic increased confidence. It’s lovely to see her joining in with class discussions and asking questions.

In PE, we have been focusing on multi skills, this week we have been skipping, skipping runs, spotted circle. All skills with concentration and techniques needed.

In science, we have been heating and melting, and observing what happens to solids and liquids when changing the temperature.

Maths is supported with many concrete items and this week we used counters to help us order numbers. Our new vocabulary was ascending and descending.

For computing, we have been learning all about websites. We safely visited a number of sites to identify how they are presented, e.g icons, videos, links and images. This links with our PSHE where we are learning to show reset online.

A wonderful week had by all.