Hello everyone, we have been very busy this week as we approach half term, we have come to the end of our core text Peace at Last. This week we have been looking at Goldilocks and the Three bears story. We have told the story with puppets, the children have used vocabulary such as “big””hard””bumpy” to describe the chairs and the beds. They have been able to recite certain lines of the story and join in acting it out. We have been exploring oats in a tuft tray and also had some porridge for our snack. The children said it was yummy and we said we hoped Goldilocks didn’t come and eat it.

We have explored a pumpkin and looked at the seeds and enjoyed scooping out the inside. There were some different sized bears hiding inside aswell.
Mr Barnes came to sing with us again and this week we did Old Macdonald had a farm and all the children had a puppet of an animal. We enjoyed singing the song and then afterwards used the interactive screen to draw the animals we had sung about.
Tomorow we will be bringing a bear to have some bear fun and games to end our text. When we return we will be starting our Brilliant Brushes in the morning to encourage healthy eating and tooth brushing regularly.
Thanks for your continued support to your children’s learning. We value your contributions and a member of staff is always on hand to chat.


Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar and Mrs Dallow.