Our week in Ercall

A big thank you to everyone for their effort this half term, we’ve had a wonderful start to the year! This week we have achieved personal bests in PE,  completed a Geography quiz and project, and edited our independent write in English 😊

New spellings were given out, a times-table sheet as homework along with a reading river. Please also make sure reading is documented in reading records.

The reading river can be completed in homework books or on a plain piece of paper if you have one. It is a river showing all the things we read everyday, this can include signs, wrappers, menus or anything else! There are some examples on the sheet handed out if anyone is struggling for ideas.

Most children are passing times-tables, however practising these on TTRockstars in addition to the homework, will help to support this.

Our value champion was Freddie, who is always trying to inspire others and has begun to take real pride in his work. Well done Freddie

I hope everyone has a lovely half term and bonfire night! See you all on the 7th November,

Miss Roberts