Stiperstones’ week of learning

Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. We’ve had a great first week back.

Our first Stiperstones Superstar ⭐️

Stefani is a superstar for her amazing independent story writing.

Magic Maths 

Year 5 and 6 have been busy working on some pretty tricky maths this week, exploring square and cube numbers.

Story time in the Library 

We are continuing to read our class text- Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian. The children are really enjoying it and this week made some excellent connections between the story and Remembrance Day.

Reading Rivers 

Over the half term, the children were given a challenge of completing a reading river. I asked the children if they could make a river, illustrating all the different things they read over the week. Well done to the children below, who created some fantastic reading rivers.