Our week in Stiperstones

🌟 Stiperstones Superstar 🌟

This week our star of the week was Cohan for his excellent effort, which he applies to all areas of his learning.

13.11.23- ODD SOCKS DAY!

On Monday, we had great fun wearing odd socks to school, to raise awareness for anti-bullying week. During our whole school collective worship, we listened to the story ‘Simon Sock’, which highlighted to us the importance of respecting each other and celebrating our differences and talents.

We started off the week by introducing our new history topic ‘Early Islamic civilisations’- we spoke of the importance of chronology when looking at time lines of events. The children then completed a time line of events for the Early Islamic civilisations. We discovered that this period of history started in 570AD and ended in 1258 AD.


We have had an electrifying week in our science lessons! We’ve been busy building circuits, drawing circuits using correct physic symbols and exploring how changing components in our circuits has a knock on effect to other components. For example, we discovered that if your circuit has two cells (batteries) the bulb will be brighter because it has twice the amount of voltage passing through it. The children completed some excellent science and made great circuits.


We rounded off a great week, coming into school in our own ‘Pudsey’ inspired clothes, to raise money for the great charity, children in need.