Our Busy Week in Clee


We have had another exciting, busy week in Clee.


In Maths we have been learning about composition of the number 4. The children have practised this independently through lots of activities:



In Literacy we have finished reading the Three Little Pigs story. Following on from the children thinking the Big, Bad wolf is in the forest area we went on a search for him. The children were convinced they spotted him in the trees, on the road and even on the roof! The next day we received a letter from the Big, Bad Wolf saying that he had been hiding from us! The children made ‘Watch Out!’ posters to warn everybody about the wolf. They also made houses using straw, sticks and bricks, made stick puppets and made a Big Bad wolf using collage materials:



In Understanding the World we are learning about why we celebrate Christmas. We shared photographs, and talked about people (and animals) who are special to us. The children then drew pictures of those people as babies:



Here are some pictures of our other learning during the week:



On Friday the children arrived to find footprints leading into our classroom. They thought the footprints might be from an elf, the Grinch, the three little pigs or the wolf’s thumb prints (they were too small to be the wolf’s footprints):



We have started our countdown to Christmas by putting one Christmas bauble for each day until Christmas Day on five frames. Each day we will move a bauble from the five frames onto our calendar:



On Friday afternoon an elf brought us a Chritsmas tree. We decorated the tree with the decorations we made at home and LOTS of other decorations:

What a fantastic week!