Our week in Ercall

Another busy week in Ercall! We’ve made christingles, had a disco and found out that sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases!

Our star of the week was Marin who has really pushed himself with his writing, completing a brilliant piece on advent in RE. Well done Marin 🌟

Next week we will be completing our independent write in English, finishing a time unit in maths and learning about Hanukkah in RE 😊

We also have carols around the tree on Monday at 2pm, the pantomine on Wednesday (12.30- aiming for a 5.15 return) and church survive on Thursday starting at 9.30.

Our homework this week was to complete a times table sheet.   New spellings have also been given out.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts and Mrs Rowley