Happy new year Earl’s Hill!

We have had a lovely first few days back after the Christmas holidays. On Friday we enjoyed sharing our favourite memories with each other from the festive break!

On Thursday we enjoyed making spiral drawings in art and we experimented with pencils, pens and chalk. We thought about how listening to music may change the way we draw…

Reception children explored the front cover of our new Literacy text on Thursday. We then had a knock at the door and a letter was delivered from the characters in the story! The children made some fantastic predictions about what they think might happen in the book. We also talked about journeys that we have been on and what we see on the way to school.


In Geography this week our Year One children began thinking about the different seasons and the weather that comes with them. We have made a weather chart for the class and are going to be recording the weather changes we see over the next week.

Reception children have been enjoying LEX time outside and playing with friends.

What a lovely first two days back! Well done Earl’s Hill.