Hello everyone. Welcome to our January intake of children, whom have all settled really well. The children have adapted to the new routines. The children are enjoying exploring the nursery an having lots of opportunities to learn through their play. We have had a busy week settling in and introducing our new set text which is called let’s all creep through crocodile creek. We have a temporary visitor in nursery of a big crocodile which the children were excited to see.

we re encouraging independence through hand washing putting on their own coats, pouring their drinks and lots more. Please encourage them to do things for themselves, this helps their development.

Here are some photos from our week and a half back.

The children are constantly learning an every opportunity is crucial for their development. The children are learning to be social, make friends and are learning how to do things for themselves.

We will be doing lots of exciting things this term. Thanks for your continued support.

Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar Mrs Dallow.