A busy week!

We have had a really busy week in Earl’s Hill and have been enjoying lots of new learning.

On Monday the reception children enjoyed doing Funky Fingers activities to make their fingers strong ready for our writing.

We also had lots of fun outside during LEX time exploring the snow! We have been checking the weather forecast every morning to see how the weather is changing where we live.

Reception children have also enjoyed mark making with cars! We made tracks using yellow, green and red paint.

In Music this week we had a go with the glockenspiels! This was very exciting and the whole class showed some fantastic listening skills.

Our year one children have been doing lots of brilliant writing based on our text, ‘The Lion Inside’. On Tuesday we wrote words using our phonics in groups to describe how the lion feels.

Our children in reception have also been enjoying work around the text, ‘Lets all creep through the crocodile creek’. On Thursday they used animals in the tuff tray to retell the story.

We have also had a very exciting week this week as we have started ‘Drawing Club’. This week we listened to the story ‘Dear Zoo’ and enjoying lots of mark making. On Friday we thought of different foods the crocodile might like to eat and enjoyed thinking of ‘codes’ to make him snap!

To finish the week on Friday we explored different materials. We talked about the properties and what makes materials good for different purposes. We decided that a glass hammer would not work!

Well done everyone, what a super week!