Hello everybody,

Firstly this week we would like to say welcome to Miss Rowley who joined the nursery team this week, she is with us every morning, and has enjoyed getting to know the children.
We have been doing lots of sensory learning and using different textures to make different parts of our story, bumpy for the bridge, slimy for the swamp and wet for the creek. We have been doing lots of learning and exploring and using our communication skills to talk about what we already know, and to question new things.
Here are some photos from our week. We are starting to look at journeys as part of our crocodile creek story and want to engage the children as much as possible in this, so will be asking for a photo of your child on a journey, maybe a bus, train car or even plane.

Some of our older children who are due to go to reception have been introduced to Fred,s letter friends and have started with the letter m and had a go at writing the letter aswell.

Please continue to encourage communication and independence we would love to hear about anything new your child has achieved either in person or on dojo. Thankyou for your continued support.

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley, Mrs Dallow.